Why Did Alan Thicke Have a Heart Attack? What Truly Happened?

Alan Thicke, the beloved Canadian actor who got his big break as a television dad, died unexpectedly in December.

Thicke was skating in Burbank when he fell ill with his son and friends. He later died at the hospital at the age of 69 due to ruptured aorta.

He died in the hospital because the aorta in his chest tore. Yet, he still had his senses when he dropped on the rink playing hockey with his son, saying they should really take a picture of him on a stretcher. Fans are asking why he had a heart attack, if you’re among those asking this question, then you’re in the right place.

Why Did Alan Thicke Have a Heart Attack

The primary cause was a ruptured aorta, the main blood vessel leading from the heart. Thicke had a history suffering from heart attacks, with his first attack reported in 2013.

Even with further immediate medical consultation, the above reason, for example, severity in the ruptured aorta and rapid procession associated complications were the cause of his timely death at the age of 69.

The death of Thicke was an affirmation of how such death comes by uncertainties and emphasized the need for attending health check-ups regularly most importantly for those people who have previous problems.

Alan Thicke Memorial Service

Family, friends, and former co-stars of Alan Thicke attended a memorial service Sunday to honor the life of the actor. About 300 guests attended the service at Thicke’s family home in Carpinteria, California.

Joanna Kerns, Kirk Cameron, Tracey Gold, and Jeremy Miller joined DiCaprio for the event in 1992, marking the 100th episode.

“Tonight’s memorial for Alan was just about perfect,” said Dolly Thicke, Alan’s daughter-in-law. “So much family and so many historic friends came out to remember our beloved father figure. Speaking for Alan so beautifully was, I’m realizing now, an all-star cast.

Final Thoughts

While the life of the beloved entertainer marches on in its legacy, a life taken too soon adds a sorry reminder that such a threat is real and that health and balance should be top priorities.

All sides of how heart attacks present encourage reflection and proactive measures to reduce or even, in an ideal world, eliminate the risks of such cardiovascular events.

In honoring Alan Thicke throughout his entertainment legacy, we shall as well use him to prioritize our health as a case in point and have raised consciousness on a heart-healthy living.


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