Why Did Andrew Tate Leave the UK? What Were the Reasons?

If you’ve been active on social media over the past year, chances are Andrew Tate posed on your feed at one point or another. And his recent appearance in the news probably caught your attention, too.

Having had a successful kickboxing career, Andrew Tate has had world titles in two diverse weight divisions.

But his transition to the world of the public eye spread beyond the sports pages when he became a contestant during the 2016 edition of Big Brother in the UK which announced the end of a chapter that marked another with its fare of controversies.

Why Did Andrew Tate Leave the UK?

Andrew Tate left the UK in 2017 and moved to Bucharest, Romania, where he set up shop.

In a now-deleted YouTube video explaining what motivated his move, Tate admitted that “40% of the reason” was because of lax laws on sexual assault.

He said: “I’m not a rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want. I like being free.”

In April 2022, the police raided Chadwick’s home in Romania because they had received a tip-off from the US embassy that a 21-year-old American woman was held by the suspect.

Tate was questioned in the Stockholm suburb of Nacka with his brother but both he and his brother were later released and have denied any wrongdoing.

Andrew Tate Was Banned From Visting His Mother

Former kickboxing world champion Andrew Tate has had a bid to leave Romania and travel back to the UK to visit his ill mother rejected.

The 37-year-old tweeted: “The Romanian state decided she his mother must be alone at Christmas if she is alive.”

He had called for an “emergency visit to London” following a heart attack on his mother in hospital.

Mr Tate, along with his brother Tristan were previously banned from leaving Romania, where they reside while facing rape and human trafficking charges.

Final Thoughts

Andrew has remained as popular amongst his million fans who laud him for promoting ‘male empowerment and even young students of the UK are within his reach.

According to The Guardian, schoolteachers have reported rising misogyny and incidences of boys quoting Andrew’s alarming views – with many schools holding special assemblies and lessons to discuss his dangerous content.