Why Did Hitler Start WW2? What Triggered It?

Why Did Hitler Start WW2? Adolf Hitler is remembered as one of the most evil and destructive figures in human history, but what led him to start World War II? We will walk you through the series of events that culminated in the invasion of Poland and the start of the deadliest war the world has ever seen.

Why Did Hitler Start WW2?

Hitler’s aim for Lebensraum, or “living space,” which would allow the German people to become economically and militarily independent, and his desire to reunite the German people drove him to have an overarching ambition for territorial expansion.

Many in Germany who disapproved of the severe conditions of the Treaty of Versailles, which had brought an end to World War I, welcomed and supported such aspirations.

In 1938–1939, Hitler successfully annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia using a variety of methods with little opposition.

Then, on September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland, which had been assured of military help in the case of such an event by the British and French. After two days, both nations declared war on Germany, starting the Second World War.

Why was Adolf Hitler Significant?

Hitler’s acts altered the course of history, making him a figure of tremendous historical importance—a statement that is not intended to be construed positively. He was the one who ignited the Second World War, which claimed over 50 million lives.

Also, it made it possible for a communist movement to eventually seize power in China and signaled a dramatic change in power away from Western Europe and toward the Soviet Union and the United States.

It also helped the Soviet Union expand its influence throughout eastern, central, and Balkan Europe.

Hitler was also in charge of the Holocaust, which saw millions of people as well as six million Jews killed under official sanction.

How did Adolf Hitler Rise to Power?

Hitler joined the German Workers’ Party in 1919, which later evolved into the Nazi Party, and it is when his path to power began. He became its leader quite quickly thanks to his persuasive speeches and use of propaganda.

By taking advantage of discontent during the Great Depression, Hitler rose to national prominence and finished second in the 1932 presidential contest.

Hitler won the contest, and as a result of his many strategies, Paul von Hindenburg named him chancellor in January 1933.

The Reichstag fire that month served as justification for a proclamation that superseded all freedom guarantees. The Enabling Act was then approved on March 23, granting Hitler complete authority.

Following Hindenburg’s death on August 2, 1934, Hitler was able to consolidate his position as Führer (or “leader”) and assume the combined roles of chancellor and president.

How did Adolf Hitler Die?

Hitler took his own life in his subterranean bunker on April 30, 1945, as Soviet forces advanced into Berlin. Most people believe he shot himself, while there is some debate as to how he passed away.

He had lately married Eva Braun, who also committed suicide. Both remains were cremated and buried as per his wishes.

Conspiracy theories, however, started very quickly. The Soviets disseminated reports that Hitler was still alive after first claiming they couldn’t verify his death.

However, later sources state that the Soviets found his burned remains, which were recognized by dental records. Hitler’s body was interred covertly, and in 1970 it was dug up, burned, and the ashes dispersed.

Final Words

There is no single easy solution to why Hitler initiated WW2. The causes were multifaceted and interconnected, involving a wide range of political, economic, and social forces.

But one thing is certain: Hitler’s acts were catastrophic and far-reaching. Millions of people died, while countless others suffered in indescribable ways.

The scars of WWII may still be felt in many places of the world today. We should never forget the horrific cost of war and work together to create a more peaceful future.