Why Did Ariana Grande Become Vegan? What Promoted This Decision?

Ariana Grande Became Vegan in 2013 and never looked back again. From that time to date, she has hugely soared up to megastardom while regularly hitting multi-platinum songs for the last past of years. She got a Grammy, a VMA, People’s Choice — and honestly, it’s only starting. But what made turn vegan? Read through to find out.

Why Did Ariana Grande Become Vegan?

Amongst the number of celebrities who have stepped up to take their stand about being vegetarian, it goes without mentioning that Ariana Grande is one and her encouraging words and deeds are just amazing.

Speaking about her love of animals much more than people to The Mirror, she replied as to why she went vegan, back in 2014: “Literally, I love them more than people. But I am a firm believer in eating a full plant-based whole food diet that can expand your life length and make you an all-round happier person.

Grande Stands up for Veganism

She doesn’t just constantly speak with the press about how going vegan made her much healthier and happier; in fact, one of the most burning passions of the youth icon has been animal rights.

This spring, she even took to Twitter to speak against Carle Baskin of Tiger King for being in her music video “Stuck with U,” a duet with Justin Bieber.

She tweeted about her disappointment with the clip and assured that it doesn’t feature in the music video by saying, “For the record, I did not allow or approve this clip to be in the actual video. but. nonetheless. it exists and that is unique.”

Final Thoughts

Ariana Grande had been a vegan since 2013 but after a very short while realized that she quite literally just loved animals too much.

She told the Mirror, “I love animals more than I love most people, not kidding.” That statement turns even truer for her as, through her announcement to be a vegan, she’s been one of the loudest activists around.